Fish Oils
It is recommended that we eat oily fish 1-3 times a week. But due to food quality deteriorating, we often do not get enough fish oils in our diet. Fish oil supplements are derived from the tissues of oily fish and can be found in liquid or tablet form. The active ingredient in fish oils is EPA and DHA and these are the components you should look for when choosing a supplement. Fish oil supplements can be stored at room temperature, but liquid versions should be refrigerated.
It is recommended that we eat oily fish 1-3 times a week. But due to food quality deteriorating, we often do not get enough fish oils in our diet. Fish oil supplements are derived from the tissues of oily fish and can be found in liquid or tablet form. The active ingredient in fish oils is EPA and DHA and these are the components you should look for when choosing a supplement. Fish oil supplements can be stored at room temperature, but liquid versions should be refrigerated.
- Healthy hair, skin, nails
- Helps reduce inflammation within the body
- Supports healthy cholesterol and blood pressure levels
- May improve bone health
Vitamin D
Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin. Foods that provide Vitamin D include: Oily fish, Offal, Eggs and Dairy products. But the best source of vitamin D is absorbed through sunlight. As we get very little of this in Ireland, many of us are deficient in Vitamin D. Sun screen will inhibit Vitamin D absorption that is worth noting as there is a catch 22 there.
- The main role of Vitamin D is calcium absorption which builds strong bones and teeth and improve muscle function
Magnesium is needed for chemical reactions to produce energy, contract muscles and alter blood cholesterol. We only absorb 20-50% of Magnesium ingested so it is very easy to be deficient especially if dietary habits are poor.
Factors that can affect Magnesium absorption:
- A diet high in carbonated drinks can also be quite high in phosphates. Phosphates bind with magnesium in the digestive tract rendering it unavailable to the body
- Physical and emotional stress can have an impact on magnesium levels in the body. High Adrenaline and Cortisol levels were associate with reduced Magnesium
- Highly caffeinated drinks cause the kidneys to excrete magnesium regardless of the body status
- Certain drugs like heart medication, asthma medication and birth control pills have been shown to reduce magnesium levels through excretion by the kidneys
Magnesium chloride has been found to have the highest bioavailability of magnesium. This can be found in transdermal products of Magnesium like oils, salts and lotions.