So, you’ve worked super hard over the last few months to get to where you are now. You’ve been hitting the gym hard four times a week, you live out of Tupperware and you’re content with one night out a month. You’ve lost a considerable amount of weight and you’re really worried about ruining all your progress thus far. But at the same time, you don’t want to be the prude sitting in the corner with their fish and greens. Well all is not lost 😊
Christmas is a time that should be celebrated and enjoyed. You should never have to exclude yourself from social occasions but you also want to keep your goals in mind. There is no point killing it in the gym for almost a year to let it all go over the month of December. Here are some of my tips for damage limitation:
6. The most important point. ENJOY CHRISTMAS. It’s a time for family and friends. You will indulge, it’s only natural, just be mindful. And take responsibility for your actions, whatever they may be 😊
Happy Holidays!!!!!!!!!!!
Christmas is a time that should be celebrated and enjoyed. You should never have to exclude yourself from social occasions but you also want to keep your goals in mind. There is no point killing it in the gym for almost a year to let it all go over the month of December. Here are some of my tips for damage limitation:
- Relax. It’s not Christmas yet. Christmas is getting earlier and earlier every year. Now, I’m not being a grinch here and I’m all for YOLO but there is absolutely no need to have that tub of celebrations on the sitting room table on the 1st December. Christmas is the 25th December. If you use the whole of December to celebrate one day, you will ruin your progress.
- Keep Active. So again, there is no need to quit your routine until the week of Christmas. Keep your normal routine up until the 21st December, you may have a Christmas party night or something in between. If you normally train Monday- Thursday. Keep that routine until then. Over the holidays, walk, take part in a charity swim, cycle or do a home workout. It doesn’t need to be every day. But don’t become 100% sedentary, it’ll do you no favours. Get the family involved, the pets, it doesn’t have to be a lone task 😊 Also, remember dancing counts as exercises 😉
- Drink plenty of water. Your body wants to be at 50-60% water. If it’s not, our systems start acting up. You will be out of routine as well as consuming alcohol meaning the chances of dehydration are high. If you can keep one good habit over the holidays, I recommend this one.
- Try to stick with one ‘bad’ meal a day. Have a good healthy breakfast and a salad for lunch and enjoy your dinner 😊 Or if you want that fry after Stephen’s Day, Keep lunch and dinner relatively healthy. If you are going out for dinner:
- Try to stick to either a starter/main or a main/dessert
- Try to stick to a high protein, low fat/high carb or high protein, high fat/low carb
6. The most important point. ENJOY CHRISTMAS. It’s a time for family and friends. You will indulge, it’s only natural, just be mindful. And take responsibility for your actions, whatever they may be 😊
Happy Holidays!!!!!!!!!!!