Fructose is only harmful in larger amounts, but it is almost impossible to over consume fructose by just eating fruit. Whereas processed sugar is a lot easier to over consume, seeing as the majority of it comes in hyper palatable food that tastes so damn good
Being honest, I have never heard of anyone who needs to lose weight, look at their whole diet and think to themselves "Maybe I should lay off the apples". If you're going to cut out food to lose weight/fat, don't put fruit and high calorific food in the same boat.
Fruit is in fact complete, meaning it contains vitamins, nutrients and fibre. Yes, it does contain sugar, but sugar is not bad for you, too much sugar is(just like everything in life). Fruit, for the most part is quite low on calories as a snack, helps regulate blood glucose levels, lowers cholesterol (LDL), promotes regular digestion and excretes waste.
People have began to avoid fruit as they think the fructose will be stored as fat, and let me tell you this, the only way that is happening is if you are consuming more calories than you expend on a daily basis. Fruit is not making you fat, too many calories are. Take an honest look at your diet and stop looking for a simple cop out, maybe keep the fruit and drop the 3 bagels at lunch down to 2 bagels.