So you think you’ve blown all your hard work over the festive period. You feel like a beached whale and you’re willing to do anything to beat the bloat. Well all is not lost, a lot of what you are experiencing is due to water retention due to high sodium and alcohol intake as well as an excess in carbohydrate storage. Try use these simple tips to get back to feeling yourself as soon as possible. What should you do?
- Stay away from detox or skinny teas, fad diets and waist trainers. They are expensive and a total waist of money. Firstly, our liver and kidneys naturally ‘detox’ our body we don’t need an expensive tea or juice to do that. Fad diets are restrictive and unsustainable, and you will end up back at square one or worse than where you started. Waist trainers just do not work, plain and simple.
- Take small steps. There’s no point going from zero to hero in the space of 2 weeks. Instead take small more sustainable steps. For example, instead of switching your fry to a kale smoothie, why not have your sausage and bacon with some spinach and avocado? Instead of joining 6 classes a week, why not try 2 classes and go for a long walk 2 days. Increase your water intake from 500ml to 1L. These are all small steps that will result in big changes.
- Stay hydrated. Flush all that water out of your system. It’ll improve your complexion, energy levels, and mood as well as so many other things. Water is king 😊 Aim for 2L a day but again give yourself an achievable aim.
- Add in instead of eliminating. I’m so used to hearing what people are ‘giving up’ namely: Bread, Gluten, Dairy, Sugar, Alcohol. Why not add in more vegetables, fruit, water, wholegrains?
5. Increase your NEAT activity (Non Exercise Activity Thermogenisis) This is your activity on a daily basis just walking, doing house work, working etc. The more you move daily, the more this will increase. Having a high NEAT will help increase your BMR before you’ve even done any strenuous activity. Take the stairs, cycle or walk to work (where possible) or park further away so you need to increase your steps.
6.Make SMART goals.Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time Specific
E.g I would like to lose 1 pound a week until the end of March. This will be a total of 12lbs.
This is specific as we are giving an exact weight loss goal. It is measurable on a weighing scales.It is achievable and realistic. There is also a time it has to be achieved by making it time specific.
‘I want to lose weight’ would not be a smart goal.
6.Make SMART goals.Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time Specific
E.g I would like to lose 1 pound a week until the end of March. This will be a total of 12lbs.
This is specific as we are giving an exact weight loss goal. It is measurable on a weighing scales.It is achievable and realistic. There is also a time it has to be achieved by making it time specific.
‘I want to lose weight’ would not be a smart goal.